Completely remove oil, water and solids from compressed air and other gases!
Balston’s High Efficiency Coalescing Filters remove contaminates to 0.01 micron at up to 99.99% efficient. Lower pressure drops, higher rated flow rates and longer lasting filter elements, make Balston Filters the most cost effective solution for your tough applications.
- General plant compressed air
- Pneumatic equipment and controls
- Prevention of freeze-ups
- Provide clean air for laser operation
- CNC / CMM machinery
- HVAC systems
- Process controls
- Laser optics
- Electronic equipment blow off
- Dry air for fire sprinkler systems
- Protect analyzers and instrumentation
- Eliminate oil mist and smoke from vacuum exhaust
- Prevent particulate and back streaming of oil from contaminating vacuum pumps
- Culinary steam for direct steam injection
- Sterile air for food plant compressed air
Learn more about our filtration options by clicking on one of the solutions below.